
Roll on Summer & Happier Skin!

This week we hear from Louise about her little girl’s battle with childhood eczema:

We don’t like winter here. It’s not the weather or the dark days but the fact we have to have the central heating on and that plays havoc with Mimi’s skin.

Mimi has what the consultant described as “childhood eczema”. He said it could last until she’s 18 or disappear at any time and there’s no way of knowing which. She’s just six now and it’s significantly better than when she was smaller, but we know her triggers and winter is a biggie.

child with eczema

She no longer likes to have a bath every night so it doesn’t get dried out by that – but neither do we get chance to add oil to one to help her skin.

We still have to moisturise her every day with prescription cream and there are certain patches that appear – like under her lip because she’s always licking and chewing it so it gets dry and cracked. I have a veritable apothecary of lotions & potions with which to fight the horrible patches of dry, red, angry skin which spring up on random parts of her body.

For some reason her skin is always better when we’re on holiday. Despite the fact she’s not great with a lot of sun creams, the sunshine itself seems to be good for her skin. So we don’t welcome winter, despite it’s connotations of sparkling snow and Christmas. Anyway, with Husband being a Yorkshire man, any season that’s going to cost him money won’t be at all welcome!

Eczema is certainly no fun for little ones, and even more so when you know there are unavoidable triggers.

If your little one is suffering with childhood eczema, do feel free to get in touch if you’d like advice on how to help soothe a flair up – anything from supersoft leggings that can double as pj bottoms to an all natural bath oil can make a world of difference.

Hope the weather gets better for Mimi very soon!

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