We woke this morning to drizzle, and it’s still raining at nearly eleven o clock. Depressing, right? Not for us. We look forward to the cooler nights and the coming of Autumn is always a celebration at Everything for Eczema HQ.
The girls are back at school. Loving seeing their friends and confronting the new challenges that school

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brings. Just as importantly, I’m confident that their new teachers are all up to speed on their various allergies and a care plan is in place.
Hot and sticky evenings are an eczema-mum’s nemesis, as hot and sticky means no sleep for Miss T. Which also means no sleep for me. I’ve tried keeping the windows open at night through the summer but it just meant that the itching and sneezing starts even earlier as the pollen floats in on the morning breeze.
And as we all know, the heat increases the itch. Which for many of us means we scratch more and so the cycle begins. So summer nights can be a bit ARRGGGHHHH.
Anyway, I’m glad it’s getting cooler now and I’m looking forward to the fireworks next weekend and baked tatties that come with Autumn. And putting on those PJs too!
I love the change of seasons, but each one brings a different challenge when you have eczema and allergies.
Is your eczema improved in the sun – I appreciate there are many families who welcome it? Like much of this eczema stuff – it’s different for everyone. But for us, (without being ungrateful, because it was an excellent one), we’re kind of glad that summers out.
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